“Consider the Tale of the Tribe as an alternative form of scripture. Which form’s of alternative scripture seem appropriate for the 20th Century? And which for the 21st?" --Robert Anton Wilson. Recorsi. 2005.
'Noh' or Accomplishment: a study of the classical stage of Japan
By Ernest Francisco Fenollosa, Ezra Pound
New approaches to Ezra Pound: a co-ordinated investigation of Pound's poetry ...
By Eva Hesse
Yeats the European
By Alexander Norman Jeffares
Transcending space: architectural places in works by Henry David Thoreau, E ...
By Taimi Anne Olsen
Modern drama in theory and practice: Symbolism, surrealism and the absurd
By J. L. Styan
Modernity in East-West literary criticism: new readings
By Yoshinobu Hakutani
Progress and identity in the plays of W.B. Yeats, 1892-1907
By Barbara Ann Suess
A calculus of Ezra Pound: vocations of the American sign
By Philip Kuberski