One day before heading down to London on the bus from Dudley, to see the show at the Horse Hospital i had the following experience:
yesterday, in Stourbridge i had an encounter with an Angel, or what Arthur Koestler calls...'the library angel' category of coincidence, or in my case the charity shop Angel. Let me explain, i walked into the British heart foundation shop and started scanning the books, and within just 2 minutes i found 'The Wild Boys' by William S. Burroughs for a bargain price of £1.50, and on the shelf below a copy of 'The Trial' by Franz Kafka for just 50p. A few hours later i opened up 'Wild Boys' and on the acknowledgment page i became spooked to discover that the only text mentioned, for permission to quote from is non other than 'The Trial' by Franz Kafka. A splendid intersection point and angelic contact coincidance.
"Published on 3 Nov 2013
The Late Great Robert Anton Wilson Event Part 1 - John Higgs
Watch Part 2:
John Higgs (
Daisy Eris Campbell (
Hosted By Scott Wood of The London Fortean Society (
at The Horse Hospital 23/Oct/2013"
Watch Part 2:
John Higgs (
Daisy Eris Campbell (
Hosted By Scott Wood of The London Fortean Society (
at The Horse Hospital 23/Oct/2013"