world-around, satellite-interrelayed computer system and its omni-Universe-operative (time-energy) accounting system
world-around, satellite-interrelayed computer system and its
omni-Universe-operative (time-energy) accounting system--Bucky Fuller
The United States of America is not a nation. Nations are large tribes
of humans that have been geographically isolated for millennia and have
progressively inbred the physical types surviving under those unique
geographical conditions. As mentioned, the U.S.S.R. had 146 naturally
evolved nations" to integrate, the physiognomies of each U.S.S.R. nation
looking quite different from the others'. The United States of America
is a crossbreeding integration of humans from all the nations of the planet Earth; though often speaking of itself as the United States of
America, it is not America. Its population is only one-half that of
North and South America. The North Americans, consisting of Canadians,
the U.S. citizens, and Mexicans, are evolutionarily cross-breeding into a
single hybrid family of world humans. ...
It is the invisibility
of the alloys and chemistries and of the electronic circuitry of the
design science revolution which finds that revolution to be as yet
uncomprehended and ignorantly opposed by humanity's reliance only on
yesterday's politically visible means of problem-solving. It is both the
invisibility and misinformedness that occasions the lack of spontaneous
popular support of the invisible design science revolution by the most
powerful political and money-making systems. Big government can see no
way to collect taxes to run its bureaucracy if people are served
directly and individually by daily cosmic-energy-wealth income.
Money-makers cannot find a way of putting meters between people and the
wind, Sun, waves, etc. Neither big government nor big business pays any
serious attention to the fact that we can live on our energy income,
rather than on nature's energy savings account (fossil fuels), or by
burning our Spaceship Earth's physical hull, which consists entirely of
atomic energy in the form of matter. ...
World Game will become
increasingly effective in its prognoses and programming when the
world-around, satellite-interrelayed computer system and its
omni-Universe-operative (time-energy) accounting system are established.
This system will identify the kilowatt-hour-expressed world inventory
of foods, raw and recirculating resources, and all the world's unique
mechanical and structural capabilities and their operating capacities as
well as the respective kilowatt-hours of available
energy-income-derived operating power with which to put their facilities
to work. All the foregoing information will become available in respect
to all the world-around technology's environment-controlling,
life-sustaining, travel- and communication-accommodating structures and
machines. - Buckminster Fuller - Critical Path
The Geoscope is a large-scale, animated globe of the Earth intended to
help people visualise the spatial and temporal patterns of human
activity, either in real time or replayed at different speeds. If the
human mind is presented with all of this information at once, it should
be able to use its visual pattern-detecting abilities to solve complex
problems such as weather-forecasting, resource conflicts, and wars
(p. 183). Data for the Geoscope can come from the world maps produced by
the USA, using radio triangulation, during and after World War II
(p. 184). Geodesic domes will be built to enclose entire cities
(p. 179). --Critical Path