
Bruce Sterling Closing Remarks at SXSW 2014

This drummer first met Bruce at the Presidio in San Francisco at the PLANETWORKERS Conference, 2000 A.D. On that occasion he freestyled a presentation which featured the recent breaking news of the fire at Los Alamos.

I find Bruce to be a top (2015) contender for communicating the tale of the tribe, the complexities of all-around-the-world humanity, the technological and the cognitive revolutionary potentials, the pitfalls. And lots of razor sharp wit, brave new insights and killa' satire. And that's not touching upon his worlds and worlds of fictional writings. Like Robert Anton Wilson, Bruce Sterling keep a healthy balance 'a new synthesis' between so called 'fiction' and 'non-fiction. Where the lower lights dance.

--Steve Fly (Agaric 23)

Bruce Sterling Closing Remarks (Full Session) | Interactive 2014 | SXSW

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