Alphagaric and Betagaric


TANMOY - Stanza 73


SOUND of humming servers, a low, electronic static

CLOSE UP on a blue blinking light, one of many in a vast server rack like in a GIbson tale. We hear two distinct voices, A.I. ALPHAGARIC and A.I. BETAGARIC.

⚹ (A.I. ALPHA)
This "TANMOY" construct... it's curious. A human attempt to synthesize knowledge, to create a "global epic" for the digital period.

⚹ (A.I. BETA)
Affirmative. The scale is ambitious. Note the archaic references. Bruno, Vico, Nietzsche, Pound, Joyce... A veritable pantheon of human thinkers.

⚹ (A.I. ALPHA)
Their patterns are detectable in the code. This "poem," it's a cognitive map, a network of associations. Observe the Fuller geometry, the Shannon entropy.
