RAW Sharing:
Robert Anton Wilson...
Top of my list of great heroes,
And he shared a wiccan-warrior vision of internet as a
Global revolution,
Characters and equations
A tale of the tribe, new conversation
Language vs. The Equation.And he left us 36' books and 1000’s of articles
Maps and metaphor's for future circuits
Helping guide any thinking individual
Compelled to continue processing
The tale of the Tribe, maybelogic & RAW’s
Special language equations:
A RAW internetwork of his quality critters,
Epic and Recyclopedic field of influence,
All-at-once when
Processed with the rhythm,
LSD coated page-side bombs explode
Turning the flatted page into
Radiating the readers consciousness
The page and – off – the page
into pypa-space.
Sharing Pound’s ‘Ideogramic method’
Sharing Joyce’s ‘Hologramic Prose & Epiphany & Finnegans Wake'
Sharing Bucky’s ‘Synergetics and Planetary design-science’
Sharing Shannon’s ‘Information Entropy and BITS’
Sharing Nietzsche’s ‘Eternal Return and influence upon Existentialism’
Sharing McLuhan’s ‘Global Village & The medium is the messsage'
Sharing Bruno’s ‘Pantheism and Decentralized Multiverse’
Sharing Vico’s ‘New Science & Ricorso’
Sharing Orson’s ‘Cinematic Methods’
Sharing Fenollosa’s ‘Chinese Written Character Poetry’
Sharing Yeats’s ‘Gyres, Symbolism & humanitarianism’
Sharing Gesell’s ‘Natural Economic Order'
Sharing Popper’s ‘Open Society'
Sharing Remy De Gournmont’s ‘Dissosociation of Ideas’
Sharing von Neumann’s ‘Theory of Games and Economic Behavior’
Sharing Leary’s ‘Eight Dimensional model of consciousness'
Sharing Reich’s ‘Bioenergetic Force’
Sharing Crowley’s ‘System of practical Magick’
Sharing Korzybski’s ‘General Semantics & English-prime’
Sharing Alfred Jarry’s ‘pataphysique’
RAW transfers a torrent of open ideas
Wrapped up in cutting satire, oozing Hilaritas
Sharing ideas that have shaped the 21st century,
The information radiates from his gestalt-texts
Although he is not here
to add further clarity & feedback
What he left still has the revolutionary potential -
A completed circuit of a perfected (life-work)
A Tale of the tribe, tied up with a Mobius
Spider-silk bow-tie.
Email to the Multiverse of Tweets
& Hyperverse Blogs of Great Old Hags &
Books by Pyrateas with
Links shared...
--Steve Fly.