Giordano Bruno was so right so long ago, yo.

The Italian priest Giordano Bruno was burned at the stake in 1600 for, among other things, imagining an infinite number of other worlds and claiming that "innumerable suns exist; innumerable earths revolve about these suns."

Modern astronomers are proving Bruno right - there really are innumerable suns with innumerable planets revolving around them.

An extrasolar planet, or exoplanet, is a planet outside our solar system. As of early September, a total of 836 exoplanets have been found. Astronomers now believe that more than half of all sunlike stars harbor at least one planet, leading to the estimate of at least 160 billion exoplanets in our own Milky Way galaxy.

An extrasolar planet, or exoplanet, is a planet outside the Solar System. A total of 839 such planets (in 662 planetary systems, including 125 multiple planetary systems) have been identified as of October 5, 2012.[1] Estimates of the frequency of systems strongly suggest that more than 50% of Sun-like stars harbor at least one planet.[2] In a 2012 study, each star of the 100 billion or so in our Milky Way galaxy is estimated to host "on average ... at least 1.6 planets."[3][4] Accordingly, at least 160 billion star-bound planets may exist in the Milky Way Galaxy alone.[3][4] Unbound free-floating planetary-mass bodies in the Milky Way may number in the trillions, with 100,000 objects larger than Pluto for every main-sequence star.[5]

Straight from the horses mouth: RAW interviews from

 New Libertarian Notes, Sept. 5, 1976
The Illuminatus! Play with Shea, March 1977
High Times by Michael Hollingshead, April 1980
Future Life, Sept 1981
Man Bites Dogma, c.1985
Lewis Shiner, c. 1980s
Compuserve Online Conference,  1986
The Nature of Reality,  December 1990
KBOO-FM, c.1990
The ROC, Aug 1990
published in Cosmic Trigger Volume 2
EST, Feb 1991
High Times, November 1991
Off the Beaten Path, April 1992
The Death Interviews with Timothy Leary, Summer 1994
RAW Circuits, Spring 1995
Dr. Dynasoar, 1995
On a Rainy Day, March 1995
High Strangeness Transcript, September 1997
The F Stops Here, October 1997
Booklist, May 15, 1999
RAW Power, 1999
DOUBT!, Winter 1999, 2000
The TVI Times, May, 2001
Utopia USA, Feb,  2001
Fly, September 2002
In the RAW, 2003
High Times, March 2003
Russian ‘zine, April 2005
Premature Illumination, August 2005
“One of the central features of Confucianism is courtesy, which is one of the most lacking qualities in American society.  Politeness.  I’m not even talking about ethics.  But the funny thing is that if you make a habit of politeness, you naturally become more ethical.”   -    Science fiction author, conspiracy theorist and Capitola resident Robert Anton Wilson from from “Say what? Quotes from 2003 that made us angry, made us laugh and made us go, Hmm …” Santa Cruz Sentinel, Staff Report,  31 Dec 2003.
Find more interviews in Audio and Video.

RAW and the Great Beast

The Great Beast – Aleister Crowley
by Robert Anton Wilson
from Paul Krassner’s The Realist, issues 91-B, C, 92-A, B (1971-2)
return to RAW Fans

O – The Fool
All ways are lawful to innocence. Pure folly is the key to initiation.          – The Book of Thoth

   Crowley: Pronounced with a crow so it rhymes with holy: Edward Alexander Crowley, b. 1875 d. 1947, known as Aleister Crowley, known also as Sir Aleister Crowley, Saint Aleister Crowley (of the Gnostic Catholic Church), Frater PerduraboFrater Ou Mh, To Mega Therion, Count McGregor, Count Vladimir Svareff, Chao Khan, Mahatma Guru Sri Paramahansa ShivajiBaphomet, and Ipsissimus; obviously, a case of the ontological fidgets - couldn't make up his mind who he really was; chiefly known as The Beast 666 or The Great Beast; friends and disciples celebrated his funeral with a Black Mass: or so the newspapers said.


the Tale of the tribe as a blueprint for Artificial General Intellgence

listening to some of the ideas and descriptions of Artificial General Intellgence, I thought that the holistic approach of combining many differemt disciplines, reflects RAW's comprehensive group of intelligence engineers in The tale of the tribe.

RAW asked what these characters and internet have in common? I am formulating a new set of answers based upon general purpose computing. And a new way of seeing the back of your head.

When 'Livvylong' is Chinese

Finnegans Wakea hugely complicated work by Irish author James Joycewill get a receptionfrom Chinese readers in September.
The first volume of Finnegans Wake was translated by Dai Congronga Chinese language andliterature professor of Fudan Universityand will be published by Shanghai People's PublishingHouse.
"I was aware about how tough it would be from the very beginning," Dai says.
"Yet without Chinese translationthe book would remain a mystery for Chinese readers,especially those who love James Joyce."
Dai says she spent 10 years translating the workAnd this is just the first volume.
At a recent seminar about the Chinese edition of Finnegans WakeDai shared her experience oftranslating the book with a group of scholars from the literature department of Chinese Academyof Social Sciences.
In the translated workDai keeps about half of the author's original wordsand has put downevery possible meaning of some complicated words that have rich meanings as footnotes.
"Many words in this book have very rich meaningsand that's why people find it hard to get itright," Dai says. "As a translatorI think I tried to not translate each word and sentenceonlybased on my own understandingThis waywe can leave more space for the readers."
She says the footnotes are equally important as Joyce's original textas they show the author'sopen-mindedness and diversity.
Joycean Irish novelist and poetis considered one of the most influential writers in themodernist avant-garde of the early 20th century.
Finnegans Wakewhich Joyce worked on for 17 years in his later yearsis a work of comicfiction and significant for its experimental style.
The book is also known as the most difficult work in English literatureUpon writing the book,Joyce once said that it would take people 300 years to fully understand its meaning.
While a French translation of the book took 30 years and the German version took 19 yearsittook Dai just a decade to translate the first volume.
"In order to grasp its meaningI had to break up each word and study it individuallyas the bookis full of word combinations that Joyce created," she says. "For examplethe word 'livvylongcanbe understood as 'Livvy is a long river', or as 'life long'."
More than 10 scholars attended the discussion and shared their opinions on the translatededition.
Liu Yiqingan English teacher from Peking Universitythinks the book should not only considerreaders who are Joyce experts.
"There is still something we can improve in the way the footnotes are presented," she says. "While putting every possible meaning in Chinese into the textit will break the integrity of thestoryWe should make it a story that is also interesting for college students to read andunderstand."
Zhang Yua 26-year-old student who studied comparative literature during her postgraduatestudiessays she heard about Finnegans Wake at universitybut was taken aback by theabnormal writing style and found it difficult to understand.
"I am very much looking forward to the translated version in Chineseeven though there may beobstacles," she says.
Wang Weisongeditor-in-chief of Shanghai People's Publishing Housesays readership of theChinese translation mainly focuses on Chinese scholars who study Joyce's works.
But they also hope that all fans of Joyce will love the book.

(China Daily 09/18/2012 page19)