The tale of the tribe contact high.
Fuck off, and welcome to another installment of my blog--a tale of the tribe--that aims to offer a resource of specific information related to the great complex and generally hidden project (unfinished) tale of the tribe, by the late Robert Anton Wilson.
Since a recent positive explosion of interest in Robert Anton Wilson across the United Kingdom due, in part to the brilliant book by John Higgs about the the KLF featuring much RAW wisdom and context for a UK audience. Plus, the Cosmic Trigger stage play looks to make agents sweat when it launches in Liverpool, November 23rd 2014. Revisiting Cosmic Trigger the book, the current author was bowled over again by gazillions of new connections, and a new deeper love for RAW and his life story, and a willingness to look at the tale of the tribe from a new angle, which sets the basis of the following piece of writing i gathered onto the paper page a few hours ago, here in Vondel Park, Amsterdam.
pg. 1
TTOTT and the Sirius mystery
what if
RAWs great unfinished symphony
the tale of the tribe
were more than a guide to 13 of
the greatest human minds
who helped humanity find
through communication
what if
were also a guide to contacting
higher intelligences
from alternate dimensions
or wherever
what if the tale of the tribe
were really a key
to the sirius mystery
and itself a cosmic trigger?
pg. 2
take Girodano Bruno
his new languages
for new communications with
higher intelligence
development of angelic languages
so called
foundations of
enochian vision magick
contemporary with John Dee and
Edward Kelly
Bruno and his works hold keys
to early contact with E.Ts
angels entities as you wish
and denizens of the sirius
triple star system
strange holy guardian angels
but somehow
communicating through timespace
through the nervous system of
Robert Anton Wilson
into the tale of the tribe
a modern critique
of scripture
holy binding contractual poetic
does it work?
pg. 3
Yeats Joyce and Pound
also made
in some sense with higher
some might say muse
others artistic inspiration
but what
if Yeats...
(a butterfly landed with all six mittens onto
the page while writing this
two antenna
deep burnt orange and woody
choco' brown hairs with dashes of
what if
William Butler Yeats
picked up on the magickal hermetic
current and methods for contacting
higher intelligence
either from his own study of Bruno
Dee Kelly Ficino
from Aleister Crowley
the great beast
who diligently practiced
enochian magick
pg. 4
and so
maybe Yeats passed on the
invisible bug or knowledge
a tiny magickal starseed
to his associates
James Joyce and
Ezra Pound?
the Chinese written character
and ancient imagist sensibility
in resonance with contacting
higher intelligence
how did that language strike up from the past?
(contact between the widow of
American scholar of Japanese arts and
oriental culture: Ernest
Fenollosa and Ezra Pound cc. 1912)
the hermetic current
tirelessly innovating culture
art and science with
pushing out beyond language
into total communication
magick keys to open invisible doorways
geometry poetry mathematics
and good will
pg. 5
and a will to power
to the people
special languages of poetry
to awaken the reader
to the ignorance in knowledge
firm trust in the universe to provide
flying on the wings of
what if
contact with higher intelligence
disguises itself as creative impulse
and the spark of ingenuity?
Joyce and Pound each
made a revolution in
communications scripture
and systems
a good guide to contacting your
own deeper shadow self
your private muse
or sirian servant
invoked for good intentions
on behalf of all around the world
a doorway for friendly ET intervention
pg. 6
deeper still we have
the Polish genius who contacted
higher intelligence through the
intensive work and innovation of
general semantics
a refinement of language structure
toward a science of meaning
contact with multiple entities
a lesson for self centered
naive realists
in non-Aristotelian language systems
of limited communications
Alfred Korzybski
key to magickal workings
a 20th century extension of core
hermetic wisdom
scientifically presented as
a system
deployed by William S. Burroughs
a possible way to interpret the nova mob
practiced and mastered by
Robert Anton Wilson himself
the epic vortex
of imagination and good
willed humour
pg. 7
what if
Buckminster Fuller were a
primary key figure to
understanding and making use of the
hermetic wisdom in
contacting higher intelligence
innovation of geometry
so as to benefit all humanity
design science revolution
in the hermetic tradition
not for weapons of war
but knowledge systems and new
communications languages
for peace
toward universal abundance
of technology in the
minds of the people
the natural abundance of
carbon 60
or bucky balls
throughout the universe
serious cosmic economics
extraterrestrial technology
and contact
through the medium of geometry
maybe some Giordano Bruno
geodesics and dymaxion
architecture for the people
buckyballs and the mad
carbon 60 mystery of the
ubiquity of c60 throughout it!
pg. 8
what if
the father of information sciences
and the mathematical theory of
Claude Shannon
were perceived as another
unforeseen link to opening the
invisible doorways through which
higher intelligence
to lead much of humanity in 2014
into contact
with everybody and everything
the global internet of things
a basically hermetic ideaspace:
shared knowledge and a
scientific tool for discovery
and information processing
Shannon dangles keys
to as yet undiscovered
rooms without walls
mind boggling complexity
building a new cypher language
to help deduce and evaluate
through innovating the equations
binary electrical switching circuit
pg. 9
what if
the tale of the tribe
by Robert Anton Wilson
defines another order of
methods and systems
required for any thinking individual
who really wants to make contact
with higher intelligence
here it is
cosmic trigger
study it
and with luck ideas and inspiration
may emerge to lift up humanity
and instigate newer and faster
technological innovations
of the living
once contact is established
how the to ask
a meaningful question
how to interpret the information
quantum mechanics
and taoism
systems for deeper study
on contemplating a holy
guardian angel
shadow self
how to?
pg. 10
magickal workings in the
enochian language seem
to me to be more effective
way to contact higher intelligence
without tears
with good reason healthy skepticism
and a playful soul
based upon evidence from
RAWs books such as Cosmic Trigger vol. 1
and from RAW himself in my interviews
i now feel today that
there exists a particular contact
based on RAWs experiments detailed in his
methodology that includes
magickal occult ceremony
and tantric rituals
together with strange drugs
i hear the skeptic shout accusingly
i knew it
all this babble about contact and angels
he's high on acid
well yes what you thought
the psychedelic experience
mimics the magickal experience
and the experience of art too
getting beyond language
into epiphany and cosmic coincidence
or better yet synchronicity
pg. 11
to innovate the priest craft
while keeping two feet
grounded on earth
in the sewer
maybe the message from the stars
seeds is to evolve and mutate?
get back to the primary source of
a kind of
decentralized (Bruno)
unlimited and unbounded by belief
beliefs unlimited
freedom of thought
as Crowley and Leary
and Philip K. Dick demonstrated
we are not alone but
surrounded by a network of sentient
a love macrocosm
teaming with life and things to
communicate and
probably not in english
simply tune in
RAW tuned in while also turned on
and quickly got dialled into
sirius.raw broadcasting network 23
since getting in touch
RAW crafted ingenious magickal
communication devices
or books
utilized to help
other make contact
and possibly take the plunge and
attempt the tale of the tribe
for themselves
pg. 12
a modern verse epic
an epic including history
a global epic for the entire
human race
from the perception of
an individual stuck in time
a spirited attempt to
redeem oneself from the
mostly violent
wreckage of history
the history of men
empire warfare greed
and nightmare bushit' whirl
a new book of the day
contact for all who read
to provoke freedom of thought
and sympathy and forgiveness
for all mankind
the gods never left us'
we must knuckle down and
create this kind spirit of open
communication for all entities
both gods and insects
we must become the
we wish to see manifest
in the word/world
pg. 13
two examples of
the tale of the tribe
the cantos of Ezra Pound
Finnegans Wake by James
both epic and encyclopedic
tragic comic
multi lingual
crated a whole new style
ideogrammic prose
hologrammic prose
both in the hermetic tradition
heavy on math
geometry and esoteric symbol
systems innovated and
unified in the minds of
the people who read them
keys to holding a kind sanity
in the facebook of a
pop culture apocalypse
love and light of acknowledgement
that nothing is what it first appears to be
pg. 14
and slowness is beauty
good access to the data for all
helps build a clearer picture
global webnet search engines
unleash much occulted information and
wisdom hidden within the cantos
and the wake
even today
and so the global
hermetic revolution is underway
and has been for thousands of years
untied against fundamentalist
religious and scientific dogma
state sponsored bully boy tactics
and against mean spirited
greedy actions for the exclusive
benefit of the few
a planet spaceship earth
with 7.6 Billion passengers
using over 750 languages
requires a certain sympathetic
and tolerant individual
who attempts unity in verse
including history
without loosing sight of
the guiding principle of compassion
and kindness for all sentient beings
--Steve Fly Agaric 23
Amsterdam. 6.50 P.M, 11th June, 2014.
(on my way back from the park this afternoon i made a decision that when i got home i would google "Yeats and "butterflies" to see what might turn up. Of course, in 1934 Yeats wrote a drama titled 'Wheels and Butterflies' adding some spice to this mini-drama unfolding within a drama triggered by a butterfly landing on my open page as i wrote the word Yeats.)