Rawillumination on Cosmic Trigger Replay

Thanks once more to Tom Jackson over at Rawillumination, for the heads up.

--steve fly


Reminder for new Maybe Logic course on RAW

Bogus Magus, aka Toby Philpott
The new Maybe Logic Academy course on Robert Anton Wilson is just around the corner — Sept. 23 — and features Bogus Magus (aka Toby Philpott), Bobby Campbell, Propaganda Anonymous and Steve "Fly Agaric" Pratt, a kind of Anglo-American all star team.  The official announcement and more details are here; you pay whatever you can afford.

Pratt organized the course and recently emailed me about how it came about.

"When i got news of the 'Find The Others' festival, scheduled for the day after the Cosmic Trigger stage play in Liverpool, (23rd November) i saw a doorway of opportunity to reignite the MLA community, and ride shotgun with the rising tide of RAW activities. The MLA MGT also shared the vision, so it goes.

"Bogus, Bobby and Prop were in typical kindhearted agreement to create something new, and each shaped up a two week prescription to trigger cosmic integrity in the minds of the people. I would also like to thank the MLA webmaster, for engineering the back-end of the class and bringing valuable feedback. Bobby provided all visuals without missing a beat, in the tradition of the community spirited artist movement of the 1960s.
