--Steve fly agaric 23.
Marshall McLuhan: Renaissance for a wired world By Gary Genosko.
The medium and the magician: Orson Welles, the radio years, 1934-1952 By Paul Heyer.
The classic Noh theatre of Japan By Ernest Francisco Fenollosa, Ezra Pound
The legacy of Norbert Wiener By Norbert Wiener, David Jerison, Isadore Manuel Singer, Daniel W. Stroock
The virtual Marshall McLuhan By Donald F. Theall
Popular culture in a new age By Marshall William Fishwick
Vico and Joyce By Donald Phillip Verene
Science and sanity: an introduction to non-Aristotelian systems and general semantics By Alfred Korzybski
The Ezra Pound encyclopedia By Demetres P. Tryphonopoulos, Stephen Adams
Giordano Bruno and the geometry of language By Arielle Saiber
Giambattista Vico and Anglo-American science: philosophy and writing By Marcel Danesi
Beyond Good and Evil By Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche.
The New Anthology of American Poetry: Traditions and revolutions, beginnings... By Steven Gould Axelrod, Camille Roman, Thomas J. Travisano
The good European: Nietzsche's work sites in word and image By David Farrell Krell, Donald L. Bates
The Dragon Painter By Mary McNeil Fenollosa
At the speed of light there is only illumination: a reappraisal of Marshall McLuhan By John George Moss, Linda M. Morra
The Chinese Written Character as a Medium for Poetry: A Critical Edition By Ernest Fenollosa, Ezra Pound
From Whitney to Chomsky: essays in the history of American linguistics By John Earl Joseph
The imported pioneers: Westerners who helped build modern Japan By Neil Pedlar
Fearing the Dark: The Val Lewton Career By Edmund G. Bansak, Robert Wise
Spoken and written discourse: a multi-disciplinary perspective By Khosrow Jahandaríe
American literature and science By Robert J. Scholnick
The poetry of Ezra Pound By Hugh Kenner
Nietzsche: an introduction By Gianni Vattimo
News is people: the rise of local TV news and the fall of news from New York By Craig Allen