Lets make a new TTOTT football, based on the Buckminster Fuller "Carbon 60" structure, and featuring a new Hologrammic Language... that's what I think, or thought just earlier today after work.
A Football, everybody plays with a football, no? Lets make a TTOTT football and construct a TTOTT team (tribe), place them on a TTOTT field (map) and have them play the kind of games Herman Hesse envisioned for his 'Glass bead game', or.. whatever you like. Just play. Let us play.
The structure of buckminsterfullerene is a truncated (T = 3) icosahedron which resembles a soccer ball of the type made of twenty hexagons and twelve pentagons, with a carbon atom at the vertices of each polygon and a bond along each polygon edge. -- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Buckminsterfullerene