TTOTT in 12 lines or less

TTOTT in TWELVE by Steve 'fly agaric 23' Pratt.

  1. without pip center/ever changing cyclic world/Brunocentral
  2. gods hero's and men/recycling through the ages/recorsi vico
  3. eternal return/the gods nietzsche left us here/beyond either or
  4. oak branching forces/ideogramic method/Fenollosa's trees
  5. spatial symbolist/weasels fighting in a hole/before the war Yeats
  6. Ezra made it new/cantos brewing history/juxstaposition
  7. Joyce cracked the cypher/hologramic comedy/to make Einstein cry
  8. word is not the thing/no such noun only see verbs/motion in the thingzski's
  9. ...went in for structure/geodesic dymaxy/future's Fullerene
  10. Boolean Logic/and electrical switches/bit twinned by Shannon
  11. turn on tune in drop/Joyce in digital village/Ez save McLuhan
  12. Orson at hawks well/cinema collage life force/fake filter buster