Jung Pauli Field and RAW psych' travel

My paper given at the Star Ship conference has the basic equation for the timescape effect in the Jung-Pauli field. The Jung-Pauli field is the Seth Lloyd hologram computer software at our future de Sitter event horizon "boundary" of our observable universe whose area is the entropy of the interior hologram images that were and every material object are.--Jack Sarfatti, October, 2011.

As information increases unpredictability increases, some information theorist said in 1989 at the world future society, I just learned from listening to RAW.

I still listen to Robert Anton Wilson a lot, and for many reasons, one is that it feeds my own natural wonder in a way no other writer does, dead or alive. But, with such a mass of subjects covered by RAW in such a scientific and rational way where does one begin who wants to communicate the feeling of reading RAW? and/or information theory in general, which RAW approximates with his unique species of hologrammic prose. (one might propose influences on this hologrammic Prose as being Pound’s Ideogramic Method, Joyce’s nat language and linguistic relativistic fiction, Alfred Korzybski’s General Semantics, Schroedinger, Einstein and Bohmian equations, and mixed with Sufi stroke cabbalistic stroke Burroughsian styling)

Needless to say RAW embodies the Hermetic principle, and the general Eastern philosophical leaning toward holism. Both in his writing technique and writing subject matter, and in his life philosophy and way of communicating RAW reflects the very general principle of holism, and so it’s no surprise he himself liked to call his particular writing style hologrammic prose.

You can simply research all words beginning with the prefix HOL to get an idea of how far this general principle has entered 21st century culture. Holistic health and healing, holographic cosmology, holographic neurology, Holographic data storage remain strong 2012 memes floating around the web-sphere. A careful re-reading and focus upon the ‘holographic’ and ‘holistic’ themes and explicit mentioning in RAW’s work is a research programme I highly recommend and have been pursuing over the last 5 years.

Over the last week (Feb 14-21) I have come to a new vision of how RAW’s interpretations of Quantum Mechanics and Cosmology, neurology and a special kind of writing (hologrammic prose) reflect some of the latest ideas in the more specific area of cosmological physics. In particular ‘holographic’ models of cosmology, in the tradition of David Bohm, Jack Sarfatti and yes, Giordano Bruno.

Let me try to explain. And at least give you some mixed media links and source material for you to catch my drift.    

"Now both men are dead. Physics has undergone great advances with its grand unified theories and its current development of superstring theory. Yet the central question remains: What is the nature of Pauli's great dream? What is that speculum that lies between the worlds of mind and matter? Will it be possible to develop a new physics and a new psychology which are complementary to each other? This is not simply some intellectual problem or an idle inquiry; rather, it is vital to our very human survival.--F. David Peat.

The third part of a lecture given by Prof. Arthur I. Miller (University College London) on Thursday 10 December 2009 at CERN.

Since Kepler believed in the famous dictum, "as above so below," it was natural to assume that the solar system reflected an image of the Trinity and the human mind itself. Such ideas are certainly not far-fetched. David Bohm has told me how, while working on his theory of the plasma state, he felt that the whole plasma was a living thing, a society of electrons, as it were. Over the past decade, Bohm has been lecturing and thinking not only about physics but also about society, religion, and human consciousness. He explores these integrations on many levels without any sense of inner division. This approach would be familiar to Pauli, who pointed out how science and religion have a common origin which, alas, has been forgotten today.--http://www.paricenter.com/library/papers/peat26.php

"The first four hundred were basis for his research into alchemical symbolism in a modern psyche. In a later collaboration, Pauli supported Jung's synchronicity principle as scientific, and Jung fostered Pauli's understanding of the archetypal and collective factors in the psyche. They each explored the interconnections between the energies of psyche and matter, and the possibilities of acausal order and synchronicity. Pauli's ground-breaking discoveries gave scientific demonstration of alchemical intuitions. Through him, alchemical and archetypal insights entered the discourse of physics. Through Jung, the apprehensions of microphysics entered our psychological language and thought.--http://www.pep-web.org/document.php?id=joap.040.0531a

"Jung and Pauli were convinced that synchronistic events reveal an underlying unity of mind and matter, subjective and objective realities. Synchronicity was (and continues to be) a prime target for criticism of Jung that for decades bordered on outright dismissal by many in the scientific and academic communities. For example, historian of science Suzanne Gieser writes that she finds Pauli’s interest in Jung “unusual” because “most of those with an academic or scientific background dismiss Jung totally.”5 --http://www.metanexus.net/essay/wolfgang-pauli-carl-jung-and-acausal-connecting-principle-case-study-transdisciplinarity


James Joyce children's story The Cats of Copenhagen gets first publication



James Joyce children's story The Cats of Copenhagen gets first publication

Originally written for his grandson, 1936 tale issued in limited edition of 200 copies amid controversy over copyright

James Joyce 
James Joyce: From Finnegans Wake to Stephen's bedtime. Photograph: Roger Viollet/AFP/Getty
A children's story by James Joyce has been published for the first time ever by a small press in Ireland.

Joyce's The Cats of Copenhagen is a "younger twin sister" to his published children's story The Cat and the Devil, which told of how the devil built a bridge over a French river in one night, said Ithys Press. Publisher Anastasia Herbert called it a "little gem" which she said "reflects Joyce's lighter side, his sense of humour – which can fairly be called odd or even somewhat absurdist".

Like its predecessor, The Cats of Copenhagen was written in a letter to Joyce's grandchild, Stephen James Joyce, while the author was in Denmark and the four-year-old Stephen was in France. The new tale is "exquisite, surprising, and with a keen, almost anarchic subtext", said Ithys, which has printed a limited run of 200 illustrated copies, ranging in price from €300 (£250) to €1,200.

"In early August 1936, Joyce had sent his grandson 'a little cat filled with sweets' – a kind of Trojan cat to outwit the grown-ups. A few weeks later, while in Copenhagen and probably after hunting for another fine gift, Joyce penned 'Cats', which begins: 'Alas! I cannot send you a Copenhagen cat because there are no cats in Copenhagen.' Surely there were cats in Copenhagen! But perhaps not secretly delicious ones. And so the story proceeds to describe a Copenhagen in which things are not what they seem," said Herbert. "For an adult reader (and no doubt for a very clever child) 'Cats' reads as an anti-establishment text, critical of fat-cats and some authority figures, and it champions the exercise of common sense, individuality and free will."
The letter in which the story was found, dated 5 September 1936, was donated by Hans Jahnke, son of Giorgio Joyce's second wife, Asta, to the Zurich James Joyce Foundation. The Foundation has called its publication an "outrage", stressing that it has not granted permission for the book's release.

"We have been completely overlooked and ignored. It's only common decency to ask the owner," said the Foundation's Fritz Senn. "We are outraged. We have had no hand in this unfair thing and feel not just ignored but cheated."

Although the published works of Joyce entered the public domain in Europe on 1 January this year, Senn says it has not yet been determined whether the non-published material is now out of copyright as well. "Copyright has been lifted only, we believe, from the published material. All the huge amount of non-published material we believe is still under copyright, so this is, we believe, an infringement of that," he said, adding that he is concerned the "very belligerent" Joyce estate might sue. "We haven't heard from them [but] what I'm afraid of is that with the large amount of copyright taken away from them, their remaining territory will be defended even more fiercely."

But Anastasia Herbert of Ithys Press believes the unpublished works of Joyce are now in the public domain. "A publication such as that of The Cats of Copenhagen is legal and valid and any attempt to interfere with its free dissemination is both unlawful and morally reprehensible," she wrote in a statement, in which she went on to say that the "attempt by Mr Fritz Senn of the Zurich Joyce Centre proprietarily to assert some right on this now public-domain document is preposterous".

"The book was conceived not as a commercial venture but as a carefully crafted tribute to a rather different Joyce, the family man and grandfather who was a fine storyteller, much like his own father John Stanislaus," wrote Herbert. Those with a spare €300 will be able to find out.

Hearst shows heart after 71 years, black and dry like a stone.

Hearst family forgive Orson Welles for Citizen Kane after 71 years

Screening of Welles' masterpiece at former home of William Randolph Hearst will lay to rest long-running feud
Citizen Kane  
Orson Welles' masterpiece Citizen Kane provoked the anger of newspaper baron William Randolph Hearst. Photograph: Allstar/Cinetext/RKO
When Orson Welles' masterpiece Citizen Kane first hit cinemas in 1941, newspaper magnate William Randolph Hearst was distinctly unimpressed: the similarities between himself and Welles' creation Charles Foster Kane were too strong to be ignored. The powerful press baron went out of his way to derail the movie. Now, more than 70 years later, it seems that the family of the pre-eminent US media impresario of the early part of the last century has finally forgiven Welles after agreeing to a screening of Citizen Kane at the Hearst Castle visitor centre in California.


Cutting a Nietzsche

"Nietzsche’s great champion on this continent was H.L. Mencken, who at the age of 27 wrote the first book on Nietzsche in English. He loved the way his hero “hurled his javelin” at the authority of God and that he “broke from the crowd” of thinkers. After becoming the most famous American intellectual of the 1920s, Mencken admitted that his ideas were based on Nietzsche. “Without him, I’d never have come to them.”

"In 1889, when Friedrich Nietzsche suffered the mental collapse that ended his career, he was virtually unknown. Yet by the time of his death in 1900 at the age of 55, he had become the philosophical celebrity of his age. From Russia to America, admirers echoed his estimation of himself as a titanic figure who could alter the course of history: “I am by far the most terrible human being that has existed so far; this does not preclude the possibility that I shall be the most beneficial.”  --http://www.nytimes.com/2012/01/15/books/review/american-nietzsche-by-jennifer-ratner-rosenhagen-book-review.html

Bohm Dome Doodles

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