"Hubbleforth slouch" Finnegans Wake and Hubble's constant

Google are celbrating the 20th anniversary of the HUBBLE TELESCOPE today. By decorating the google home page with a cosmological landscape. I recently tuned into Hubble and Finnegans wake, and turned up the word Hubbleforth, that I wanted to share on this 20th anniversary.

Furthermore, Hubble's constant plays a part in experimental physics, and experimental theories of consciousness, or 'cosmic consciousness' the distance and velocity of galaxies can be calculated using Hubble's constant, or Hubble's RedShift. Some have tied in the ratio of the expanding Universe with the critical amount of single electron cubits lying at the [bit bottom] of human neurological processing. Hence, in my short and clunky definition, we have a theory of consciousness, rationalized using cosmological principles. Close to the hermetic principle 'as of above, so below'. But with scientific and mathematical principles describing such a relationship. My introduction to this idea was through the maverick experimental physicist, Jack Sarfatti, detailed in the books of Dr. Robert Anton Wilson.

I wanted to share what I perceive to be the general trends (2010) within modern experimental physics, cosmology and psychology (neurology) that include the HOLOGRAPHIC principle. And have blogged about James Joyce's Finnegans Wake, and its relationship to the Holographic Principle as defined by 'Susskind and Hooft'. I am still working on a piece about Dr. Wilson, and his 'holographic prose' defined and deployed throughout 36 books, and countless articles over a 50 year period of earth history (1932-2007). Together, I propose that Dr. Wilson, like James Joyce, is at the Vanguard of communicating the 'holographic principles'.

I propose that 'if' the holographic principle, or a new updated version of this theory is found to be a snug fit, a unified theory and general theory of everything, then... James Joyce and Dr. Robert Anton Wilson will seem like 'GODS' who worked out the earth language for describing such a Holographic Theory of Everything, and did this somewhat 'outside' of the traditional institutions and Universities associated with such 'revolution's' and/or 'paradigm shitfs'.

I think it was R.U Sirius who said that when the going gets weird, the weird turn professional', and cutting edge science and technology and culture is getting weirder and weirder. I think, and next to surrealism and the Artists science of the weird, Dr. Robert Anton Wilson stands as a 'standard' of thinking and working creativly with the 'weird'

Why are hardly any of the major learning institutions teaching 'Robert Anton Wilson' and 'Holographic Prose?, when cutting edge experimental physics seems to be suggesting that the Holographic model is very important and relative to 2010 science, technology and culture? Maybe uncle BOB made the fatal mistake of connecting Economics and Politics to his holographic theory, and thereby jumping so far forward that we suffer culture-shock, when we follow the trajectories he maps, using the Holographic Principle, via James Joyce, David Bohm, Stan Grof, Giordano Bruno, Jack Sarfatti, John Archibald Wheeler, Einstein and Timothy Leary.

I look forward to any academic response to this proposition that uncle BOB had it back in the 1970's, and had already plotted how hyperbolic geometry and the 'holographic principle' might impact on humanity, our perceptions and collective futures. Dr. Robert Anton Wilson was largely ignored by Academic establishments, possibly due to his cutting criticism of the 'institution' and 'state-run-education' but still today, after his passing, it seems hardly any academic are presenting Dr. Wilson, and his ideas and principles as worthy sources and resources.

I am fortuate to be a part of the Maybelogic Academy that aims to do all of the above, and provide a forum and hub for RAW related studies. I do feel frustrated at the lack of other learning centres adopting our model, which was set up alongside Dr. Wilson himself in 2004, which I think helps define our advantages as a HUB, we have a single human being who reflects a comprehensive study, a single narrator, a single artist, telling us the tale of the tribe.

My schemes into obeyance for This
time has had to fall: they bit goodbyte to their thumb and, his
bandol eer his solgier, dripdropdrap on pool or poldier, wishing
the loff a falladelfian in the morning, proceeded with a
Hubbleforth slouch in his slips backwords (Et Cur Heli!) in the directions
of the duff and demb institutions about ten or eleven hundred
years lurch away in the moonshiny gorge of Patself on the Bach. --James Joyce, Finnegans Wake: Page 73.

21.00 Alice and Bob. Leonard Suuskind on Cosmology at Stanford, 2009.

The Illuminati Papers
By Robert Anton Wilson

An introduction to black holes, information and the string theory revolution ...
By Leonard Susskind, James Lindesay

Developments in Mathematical and Experimental Physics: Cosmology and gravitation
By Alfredo Macías, Francisco J. Uribe, Enrique Diaz

Psychology of the future: lessons from modern consciousness research
By Stanislav Grof


"One great part of every human existence is passed in a state which cannot be rendered sensible by the use of wideawake language, cutanddry grammar and goahead plot. --JAMES JOYCE, Referring to Finnegans Wake in a letter to Harriet Shaw Weaver (1926-11-24)"

I have a playman's or better yet ploughman's interest in physics, science and the paranormal, once again due for the most part to Dr. Robert Anton Wilson.

I was fortunate to meet many of the bright characters from the Berkeley Based Physics Consciousness Research Institute, where RAW was a somewhat regular alumni, with an irregular illumi.

I recently joined the new and improved http://www.stardrive.org/ a surprisingly interactive website hosted by Jack Sarfatti and friends, and a site I would suggest anyone interested in the physics-consciousness oriented writing of Robert Anton Wilson pay a visit. My interview with equally brilliant and Maverick thinker - Saul Paul Sirag - has been linked from said website to my surprise.

Here I'll simply contribute a number of papers available, or excerpts, that I feel help frame my interpretation of some of the content at stardrive.org and compare with some of the RAW's interpretations, if I may be so bold.

Philip K. Dick writes:

"Someday I'm going to get my artricle published; I'm going to prove that Finnegans Wake is an information pool based on computer memory systems that didn't exist until centuries after James Joyce's era; that Joyce was plugged into a cosmic consciousness from which he derived the inspiration for his entire corpus of work. I'll be famous forever. --Philp K. Dick, The Divine Invasion.

Robert Anton Wilson writes:
"As Bucky Fuller was quick to point out, the development of Information Theory by Shannon and Weiner enables us to see the human mind as the greatest synergy-machine, the greatest tool for doing-more-with-less, in this part of the universe.

Fuller points out that knowledge can only increase (except for tragedies like brain damage in an individual or totalitarianism in a society.) As our communication skills and information processing improve, human knowledge as a whole accelerates synergistically. Therefore, both hard and soft technologies accelerate – ideas and tools both change faster, faster, faster.--Robert Anton Wilson"

Please excuse the age and mixed context of these google-book I-FRAME presentations. Yet acting as a great resource and hub of helpful footnotes and research, we hope.

Gravitation and cosmology: from the Hubble radius to the Planck scale ...
By Richard L. Amoroso, Jean-Pierre Vigier, Geoffrey Hunter

The singularity is near: when humans transcend biology
By Ray Kurzweil

Developments in quantum physics.
By Frank H. Columbus

Our Superstring Universe: Strings, Branes, Extra Dimensions and Superstring ...
By Jr. L. E. Lewis

Explorations beyond the machine: a philosophy of social science for the post ...
By Ian Trevor King

Extreme Physics
By Scientific American (COR), Rosen Publishing Group

Cosmic catastrophes: exploding stars, black holes, and mapping the universe
By J. Craig Wheeler

And now, what I feel is one of the most important ingrediants to making star Trek real; Finnegans Wake by James Joyce and HOLOGRAMIC PROSE.

The Books at the Wake: A Study of Literary Allusions in James Joyce's ...
By James S. Atherton


Holographic principle:

The holographic principle is a property of quantum gravity and string theories which states that the description of a volume of space can be thought of as encoded on a boundary to the region—preferably a light-like boundary like a gravitational horizon. First proposed by Gerard 't Hooft, it was given a precise string-theory interpretation by Leonard Susskind.

In a larger and more speculative sense, the theory suggests that the entire universe can be seen as a two-dimensional information structure "painted" on the cosmological horizon, such that the three dimensions we observe are only an effective description at macroscopic scales and at low energies. Cosmological holography has not been made mathematically precise, partly because the cosmological horizon has a finite area and grows with time.[1][2]

The holographic principle was inspired by black hole thermodynamics, which implies that the maximal entropy in any region scales with the radius squared, and not cubed as might be expected. In the case of a black hole, the insight was that the description of all the objects which have fallen in can be entirely contained in surface fluctuations of the event horizon. The holographic principle resolves the black hole information paradox within the framework of string theory. --http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Holographic_principle

Twenty Twelve Line Verses v3.0 (Icosoheedrome)

Twenty Twelve Line Verses to 'the tale of the tribe' (v3.0) by Fly Agaric 23
To be printed as TWENTY TRIANGLES to build an Icosohedron.
Thanks to Mark Pesce for kicking this into 'hyperspace'

W i l l i a m
Astrology Laureate
Automatic Visionary
Silver AppleMoon Golden Applesun
Oriental Spiritualist Dramatist

Return Pantheist
Philologist Pastmoderniche
Continental JungFreud Superman
Existential Perspectivist Genius
Organism Binding
Aristopple Intraverse

Magic Memory
Giordano Nolan
Hermetical Quintessence
Decentralized Models Cyberspace
Shadow Nickusa Gio Mnemonic
Heretical Transmigration Infinite
Writing Japanheart
Oriental Scholar
Holowriting dossier
Ideogram Metaprogram
Economic Symbolism Structuring

Bio Computer
Automation Thinking Humanist
Neuro-linguistic Minded Holismgram

Writer Citizen Actor Director
Shakespearean Academy Screenplayer

Thunder Rhetoric
Historicist Ribelle
Metaphysique Episteam Vichean

Spaceship Architect
Goes In For Structure Ezra Sez’
Energetic Synergetix Manual

WarGame Zero Sum
Co-creator Internet
Etching Digital Density Binary
Minimaxi Combinatrix Information

Imposition Orgone
Energetic Biofeedback
Omnipresent Dialectic Dynamo

Bio Interface
Cetacean Nation
Acoustical Linguistics
Interspecies Communication
Dyadic Cyclone Floatation mindtank

Taxonomic McLuhan
Vico Recorsi Timewave Novelty
Panspermia Cyberculture Psilocybin

Bohemian Startrek
Statistical Totality Gravity

Death of Yeats end of Irish literary revival, says Pound, Noh enthusiast

Death of Yeats end of Irish literary revival, says Pound, Noh enthusiast

Special to The Japan Times
June 5, 1939

The death of William Butler Yeats [who died Jan. 28, 1939] closes the great era of the Irish literary revival. That death will doubtless have been duly recorded in Japan. Someone in Tokyo may also know of Yeats' Japanese interlude or flirtation. He, at one time, thought he would be called to a Japanese professorship and did, I think, receive some sort of invitation. You have a "link" with Dublin in those plays of Yeats which were directly stimulated by Fenollosa's reports and translations of Noh. Having worked with Yeats during the three or four years of his intensest interest in the Noh, I know how much it meant to him.

News photo

"The form I have been searching for all my life" was one of his comments. (That would have been about 1917.)

* * * * *

A determination for a new poetic drama in Europe, not merely a Celtic twilight or a side show, but a poetic drama that will enter the main stream of our life is manifested both by Jean Cocteau (recent play "Parents Terribles") and by T. S. Eliot ("Family Reunion").

The present chronicler is Confucian and totalitarian. To him both plays seem to be ends of a movement. So far as I am concerned they belong to the age of [Henrik] Ibsen wherein people's inner wobblings and fusses were important. I believe in, and I believe there exists, a growing consciousness of the individual in the state. "The divine science of politics" (thought as to how people can live together in an organized or organic social system), interests me more than all the Freuds that ever existed.

At any rate I think the great novelists and dramatists must henceforth sort out the problems dependent on economic pressure from those which remain after this pressure is removed.

A few years ago P. Bottome [British novelist, Phyllis Bottome] wrote a novel about an insane asylum. On analysis one found a common denominator, nowhere stated by the authoress and not I think present in her consciousness. All the patients were there because of economic pressure. All the doctors and nurses were moved by monetary pressures.

Of the poets included in my "Active Anthology" [a 1933 anthology of poetry from the first 25 years of the 20th century] the best are all aware of monetary pressure, as something more clear and incisive than the vague "social" urges to be found in last century's literature. This is not to say that Trollope and, in his last years, Henry James hadn't come to such perception. They were above and beyond their time. The keenest minds today can be grouped. They can be grouped along this axis. The best writers are aware of problems that have lain unobserved in Dante and Shakespeare, problems of usury, of the just price, of the nature of money and its mode of issue.

It may interest you to know that the clarity of some paragraphs in The Japan Times on these subjects is, outside Italy, rather restricted to weekly papers and papers of special movements in England and America and in the rest of the Occident.

Lucid and incisive remarks of Hitler, Schacht [Hjalmar Schacht, German minister of economics 1934-1937] and Funk [Walther Funk, then president of the Reichsbank] do not get the wide and immediate publicity they deserve. They are however understood by writers of such divergent temperament as Wyndham Lewis and [British Army] General J. F. C. Fuller.

* * * * *

As job lot items and notes on books worth reading: A current [issue of] Picture Post acknowledges Wyndham Lewis to be the greatest portraitist of our time (even quotes [German-born English Impressionist painter Walter] Sickert as saying, "and of any time" — which is the generous exaggeration of an older painter for a younger one who has been too long denied his just place).

The best news from America is the edition of E. E. Cummings' collected poems, plus the publication of W. C. [William Carlos] Williams' "Life Along the Passaic River" (prose sketches).

Both the Criterion [British literary magazine, 1922-1939] and Broletto have ceased publication, leaving my personal interest in current periodicals narrowed to The British Union Quarterly, for discussions of state organization, and to Townsman for very brief notices of books and the arts. The Examiner, published in Bethlehem, Connecticut, U.S.A., contains some very well written and carefully thought articles.

There are valuable notes in several dozens of sectarian or group weeklies and quarterlies in which publications, however, the dross and one-sidedness often out-weighs the sound matter, at least to such a degree that one cannot recommend them to Orientals wanting a clear view of the west.

Excerpts, edited for space but retaining the language of the time, from four of the articles Ezra Pound contributed to The Japan Times between May 1939 and September 1940 are used with permission from New Directions Publishing Corporation. © 1991 The Trustees of the Ezra Pound Literary Property Trus.

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Our man, Mr. Pound


Letter from Rapallo

