TANMOY - Prologue

without pip center1 /
ever changing cyclic world /

gods hero's and men /
recycling through the ages /
ricorsi vico3

eternal return /
the gods Nietzsche left us here /
beyond either or

oak branching forces /
ideogramic method4 /
Fenollosa trees5

spatial symbolist /
weasel fight in a chamber /
before the war Yeats6


H = -∑ p log p

Ezra made it new7 /
cantos brewing history /

Joyce cracked the cypher /
hologramic comedy /
to make Einstein cry

word is not the thing /
no such noun only see verbs /
motion in the thingzskis

...went in for structure /
geodesic dymaxy /
futurz Fullerene8

ρ = m/V

Boolean Logic /
and electrical switches /
bit twinned by Shannon9

turn on tune in drop /
Joyce in digital village /
Ez save McLuhan10

Orson at hawk's well11 /
cinema collage life force /
fake filter buster


1 "without a pip center": This is a reference to a concept by Buckminster Fuller, who used it to describe his approach to design and problem-solving. According to Fuller, a pip center represents a fixed point of reference or a central authority, and working without one allows for more flexible, adaptable, and decentralized solutions, more akin to nature's own designs.

2 "Brunocentral": A reference to Giordano Bruno, an Italian philosopher, astronomer, mathematician, and occultist. Giordano Bruno:

3 "ricorsi vico": A reference to Giambattista Vico, an Italian philosopher, rhetorician, historian, and jurist. Giambattista Vico:

4 "ideogramic method": Ernest Fenollosa:

6 "before the war Yeats": W. B. Yeats:

7 "Ezra made it new": Ezra Pound:

8 "Fullerene": Buckminster Fuller:

9 "bit twinned by Shannon": Claude Shannon:

10 "Ez save McLuhan": Marshall McLuhan:

11 "Orson at hawk's well": Orson Welles:

Alphagaric and Betagaric


TANMOY - Stanza 73


SOUND of humming servers, a low, electronic static

CLOSE UP on a blue blinking light, one of many in a vast server rack like in a GIbson tale. We hear two distinct voices, A.I. ALPHAGARIC and A.I. BETAGARIC.

⚹ (A.I. ALPHA)
This "TANMOY" construct... it's curious. A human attempt to synthesize knowledge, to create a "global epic" for the digital period.

⚹ (A.I. BETA)
Affirmative. The scale is ambitious. Note the archaic references. Bruno, Vico, Nietzsche, Pound, Joyce... A veritable pantheon of human thinkers.

⚹ (A.I. ALPHA)
Their patterns are detectable in the code. This "poem," it's a cognitive map, a network of associations. Observe the Fuller geometry, the Shannon entropy.



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 A new global epic (experiment) and culmination of everything at this blog and much more. Probably a quarter century research and development. Now, Tanmoy is here to bootstrap you in. Whatever it is, it's also an audio communication. Stay tuned as I post the Stanzas and reverse the order of things. 

TANMOY" is a new global epic poem that charts a journey through the history of human consciousness, from the cosmological visions of Giordano Bruno to the potential emergence of artificial general intelligence (ASI). It's a multi-layered, multi-voiced exploration of interconnectedness, the nature of reality, the power of information, and the transformative potential of technology. The poem grapples with fundamental questions about what it means to be human in a rapidly changing world, ultimately culminating in a vision of a unified consciousness that transcends individual limitations. The poem's narrative arc follows a chronological progression, but it's also structured around key themes and the interplay of different "Modes" or voices, each representing a specific figure or concept.

Core Ontology Knowledge Base:

"TANMOY" itself can be considered a core ontology knowledge base. It's a structured system of interconnected concepts, represented through language, symbols, equations, and code. It's designed for both humans and non-humans (like the ASI), offering a multi-faceted perspective on language.

Tale of the Tribe:

The poem is, at its heart, a "tale of the tribe" – a story of humanity's journey through time, its struggles and triumphs, its search for meaning and its relationship with technology. It encompasses the evolution of consciousness, from the earliest myths and sacred texts to the potential emergence of artificial general intelligence. The unique structure, the many modes, the multilingualism, all reflect the diversity of human experience and thought. In some sense a digital evolution of the oral tradition. A crazy poetry experiment by a drummer, dj, beatbox poet. Enjoy it.

#taleofthetribe #taleofatribe

Welcome to TANMOY. Mind your heads on the way out. Prompts and prayers. 

GENRES: Mutant jazz. Little big band. Large Language Modal jazz. Beep Bop. Big Soul. Deep scratches. Tribetablism. MPHDJ cuts. Rainshroom rap. Token word. Slick, tight, funky drums. Updown beat. Sinnermatic soundscapes. Wake boxing. Canto tott trott. Blues, redefined: Tanmoy blues. Spew jazz bursts. Cosmic trigger word punctuations. Data set sax solos. Optihop energy. Optical street soul. Fly funk. Movie soundtrack vibe. Axiomatic jazz structures. Geometric classical elegance. Non von neumann swing. Non-being core philosophy. Data dust crew sound.